The LEO Buyer’s Guide was developed to help the Regional Affiliates of the TX Police Chiefs Association.  Advertising on this site will directly benefit the following associations.

Texas Police Chiefs Foundation & Association in September 2024
East Texas Police Chiefs Association & East TX 100 Club
Central Tx Area Chiefs of Police and Sheriff’s Association & scholarship fund
Houston Area Chiefs of Police & scholarship fund
High Plains Police Chiefs Association
Texas School Districts Police Chiefs Association & Foundation
Kendle County 100 Club
South Texas Police Chiefs Association

Your Advertising Will Appear on the Following Web Sites

Texas Police Chiefs Association (Coming in September)
East Tx Police Chiefs Association Home | ETXPCA
ETX 100 Club Home | Easttexas100club
Houston Area Chiefs of Police Home | HAPCA
High Plains Police Chiefs Association. Home | TXHPPCA
TSDPCA (Coming Soon)
South Texas Police Chiefs Association Home | STXPCA
Central Area Texas Chief of Police and Sheriffs Association Home | CTACPSA

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